Smart cities include smart communities

Cheryl Gladu
1 min readNov 14, 2018


Community led development can be beautiful for the way it looks AND the way it feels. Pictured above is PDX Commons — a place where it’s members will age with the support of friends and neighbors. Image from Cohousing Solutions.

I was very honored to be asked to talk at the most recent Chancellor’s Builders and Friends Dinner on October 25, 2018. I was asked to speak about my research into cohousing and it’s relationship to the concept of smart cities.

It’s just 3 mins long, so as a person who is, despite my best efforts, getting increasingly academic, you can imagine what a feat it was to keep it that short.

To learn more about Concordia University’s ambitious Next Gen. Now. Campaign and all the people who are going to make it possible , visit —



Cheryl Gladu

PhD, MBA. Assistant Professor Human Enterprise and Innovation (TRU). Focused on tools that empower people to collectively live simpler richer lives.